Available offices

Course image VGCORP

Virtual Group Corporation

Since: 1996
People: 07
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.-2
Operations: Visual & deep internet
Code: VGC-VG-001
Average mark: 100%

Course image 新生活

E-procurement & smart cities

Since: 2012
People: 89
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Deep internet
Code: VGC-BD-033
Average mark: 99.3%

Course image CIUDAD HOST

Backbones, webservers & domains

Since: 2005
People: 07
Headquarters: Houston, TX, USA
Operations: Visual & Deep internet
Code: VGC-CH-004
Average mark: 95.1%

Course image VIRTUAL WD

Web development, graphic & web design

Since: 2000
People: 03
Headquarters: Quito DM, Ecuador
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-WD-003
Average mark: 93.6%

Course image Queen Server

Computer & technology devices

Since: 1996
People: 12
Headquarters: Streamwood, IL, USA
Operations: K.W. & Visual internet
Code: VGC-QS-002
Average mark: 99.1%

Course image E2BUS

Ebusiness & marketing on the web

Since: 1998
People: 38
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual & deep internet
Code: VGC-E2-005
Average mark: 97.3%

Course image MINDTECH

Robotics, augmented reality & holography

Since: 2006
People: 23
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Deep internet
Code: VGC-MT-008
Average mark: 98.2%

Course image TOORK

Tools and resources for e-work

Since: 2015
People: 08
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual & deep internet
Code: VGC-TK-035
Average mark: 94.3%

Course image BDI RED

Big data & deep internet

Since: 2016
People: 12
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Deep internet
Code: VGC-BD-043
Average mark: 94.2%

Course image I.C.U.

Real time & geo tracking

Since: 2016
People: 09
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Deep internet
Code: VGC-IU-038
Average mark: 90.3%

Course image LIGTH WEB

Advice on structural web services

Since: 2014
People: 37
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Deep internet
Code: VGC-LW-021
Average mark: 89.0%

Course image DARK RESCUE

Info rescue of dark web

Since: 2012
People: 17
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Dark internet
Code: VGC-DR-021
Average mark: 87.7%

Course image BLIND

Anonymity on the web

Since: 2010
People: 05
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Dark internet
Code: VGC-BL-017
Average mark: 85.6%

Course image ETHEREAL

Security on the decentralized web

Since: 2012
People: 28
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Dark internet
Code: VGC-TH-029
Average mark: 94.9%

Course image EDUCLIC

Professional web services

Since: 2001
People: 07
Headquarters: Maracay, Venezuela
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-EC-006
Average mark: 82.2%

Course image CYBER RAINBOW

Cybersecurity & cloud computing

Since: 2010
People: 21
Headquarters: Dugavpils, Letonia
Operations: Deep internet
Code: VGC-CR-049
Average mark: 98.7%

Course image STC BIO

Biotechnology and Stem cells

Since: 2017
People: 65
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Deep internet
Code: VGC-SB-056
Average mark: 96.4%

Course image SOULLESS MIND

A.I. applications

Since: 2019
People: 21
Headquarters: Oakville, ON, Canada
Operations: Visual & deep internet
Code: VGC-AI-333
Average mark: N/A

Course image CRYPTO MF

Mainframes & cryptocurrency

Since: 2015
People: 42
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Deep internet
Code: VGC-CM-052
Average mark: N/A


Blockchain & financial technology

Since: 2017
People: 112
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Deep internet
Code: VGC-FT-078
Average mark: N/A

Course image ROUNDED EDGES

App's & startups consultants

Since: 2016
People: 12
Headquarters: WWW-2
Operations: Deep internet
Code: VGC-RE-054
Average mark: N/A

Course image LIV NANO TK

Nano technology

Since: 2015
People: 47
Headquarters: Berna, Switzerland
Operations: Deep internet
Code: VGC-NL-058
Average mark: N/A

Course image AUTOK

Automotive solutions

Since: 2013
People: 5
Headquarters: Ecuador
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-AK-025
Average mark: N/A

Course image DEVPRO STUDIO

Digital effects in video production

Since: 2016
People: 1
Headquarters:Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-DP-018
Average mark: N/A

Course image UP VIEW

Drons & panoramic filmmaking

Since: 2018
People: 05
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-UV-053
Average mark: T/P

Course image L'APVC

L'apprentissage virtuel Canada

Since: 2012
People: 43
Headquarters: Calgary, AB, Canada
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-QS-031
Average mark: N/A

Course image V3D WORLD

Virtual reality and tridimensional worlds

Since: 2007
People: 05
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual & deep internet
Code: VGC-3D-019
Average mark: T/P

Course image NEXT FUTURE

Tech Skills for Knowledge Society

Since: 2015
People: 32
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual & deep internet
Code: VGC-NF-040
Average mark: T/P

Course image PLANETA FATLA

Digital community for learning

Since: 2004
People: 104
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-FT-007
Average mark: T/P

Course image FUTURO

Techno-pedagogic counseling & virtual learning environments
Since: 2015
People: 03
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-EF-030
Average mark: N/A

Course image ASOMTV

Global Association of virtual tutors

Since: 2009
People: 04
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-AT-062
Average mark: N/A

Course image CICATEC

Techno-pedagogical quality standards

Since: 2012
People: 4
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-CT-067
Average mark: N/A

Course image PACIE

Research and learning community

Since: 2000
People: 01
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-PC-013
Average mark: N/A

Course image MUNDO VIRTUAL

3d Structures for SL & MUVE's

Since: 2017
People: 02
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-MV-016
Average mark: N/A

Course image APPLE TEACH LA

Apple training for Latinamerica

Since: 2018
People: 01
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-AL-100
Average mark: N/A

Course image Neurobit Tech

Neurotech Learning at your service

Since: 2019
People: 4
Headquarters: Online, Singapur
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-NB-080
Average mark: N/A

Course image O.I.G. Advisors

For an incredible life

Since: 2017
People: 22
Headquarters: Ecuador
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-OG-041
Average mark: N/A

Course image Gestión DHO

Human Resources Tools

Since: 2014
People: 1
Headquarters: Online, W.W.W.
Operations: Visual internet
Code: VGC-GD-068
Average mark: N/A